Hi. I’m currently facing an issue in a OJS-based journal. The software version is the latest one (i.e. 3.2.0-3). I’ve created a future issue and I’ve scheduled an article for being published in that issue. When I access to the future issue details and check the table of contents, the scheduled article is listed there.
However, when I push the preview link of the issue, no article is listed. Only the title, description and cover page associated with the issue are shown, in addition of the full issue galley if provided.
No PHP errors are reported in the server and no errors in the Javascript console are shown either. Can anybody help me to address this issue? Thanks in advance!
The issue only affects the preview. You can publish the issue, but is a little bit risky to publish the issue without preview it. I must add that, if you publish the issue and then you rollback the publication, then the preview starts working on that issue.
I’m having the same problem, wtih a slight difference. Artiles submited i quick submit appear as published even in scheduled issues and are visible on the preview. The others only scheduled arent visible.
There were some related improvements/fixes made since OJS 3.2.0-3 was released; I’d suggest upgrading to the latest release as a first step. (It’s generally a good idea to keep up to date anyway.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have similar issue. In OJS I successfully posted one (the first on OJS, previously posted on other website and printed) issue of the Journal. Four papers are visible to users, however, in wrong order according to page numbers. To reorder the papers an option Issues/Back issues was used, but after clicking on the saved issue (Issue Management - active link) the Table of Contents is empty (No items). How can I see and edit the Table of Contents of the issue?