[OJS] Subscription viewing issue

Hi everyone,

We faced an issue when we upgrade our OJS from 2.x to with viewing the institutional subscription status. The subscription manager told us that she is not able to view the institutional subscriptions as before.

“On the old site, on my User Home, I can go to Subscription Manager and see the Individual Subscriptions and Institutional Subscriptions. On the new site, under my profile, it shows I have roles as Reader, Author, and Reviewer. On my dashboard, I can see the submissions, the queue, etc., and under users I can find the users including the division members and the random, possibly fake, users who signed up, but nothing on the universities and libraries”

Would anyone have a familiar situation and give some advice here? Thank you!

Hi @chenso17,

In OJS 3.x subscriptions can be found under the left hand ‘Payments’ tab


Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project

Hi Patricia,

Thank you!

However, there is no such tab as “Payments” in my left side bar. May I know how to add this item into it? Thank you.

Samuel Chen

Hi @chenso17,

In Settings > Distribution. You’ll want to ensure that Access and Payment are configured according to your journal use.


For example, I shared, I selected the following Publishing Mode and set payment to Paypal.


Kind Regards,
Patricia M.

Thank you! This issue is solved.