Hi all,
We upgraded our 3.0.2 instance to 3.1 last week and unfortunately we have some blank pages in some of the admin pages. I scoured through the PHP logs and the only errors (not warnings) were ones like this:
Clicking on Submissions:
[Mon Oct 30 10:01:38.112897 2017] [:error] [pid 69009] [client] ojs2: 404 Not Found, referer: http://playground.journals.ed.ac.uk/nibjournal/submissions
Clicking on Issues → Back Issues:
[Mon Oct 30 10:39:50.175469 2017] [:error] [pid 69009] [client] ojs2: 404 Not Found, referer: http://playground.journals.ed.ac.uk/languageandpsychoanalysis/manageIssues
And clicking on Users → Users:
[Mon Oct 30 10:43:28.178761 2017] [:error] [pid 73602] [client] ojs2: 404 Not Found, referer: http://playground.journals.ed.ac.uk/ScottishStudies/management/settings/access
I then thought I’d try and see if there were any issues in the browser console and there are indeed! For all of the above, there is a similar error:
Clicking on Submissions:
ReferenceError: pkp is not defined submissions (line 153, col 6)
ReferenceError: pkp is not defined submissions (line 166, col 7)
ReferenceError: pkp is not defined submissions (line 179, col 7)
ReferenceError: pkp is not defined submissions (line 192, col 6)
Clicking on Issues → Back Issues:
ReferenceError: pkp is not defined pkp.min.js (line 128, col 142)
And clicking on Users → Users:
ReferenceError: pkp is not defined pkp.min.js (line 128, col 142)
We didn’t get these errors in 3.0.2. Is there an include missing somewhere that wasn’t missing in 3.0.2? Not sure where to go from here.
Please can you help with this?
Thanks so much in advance.