OJS 3.1 how to get an author to update metadata in submission or review phase?

This partially solves the problem. But the author can not edit the names of co-authors and the list of authors. Is it possible to change?

Maybe to summarize it:
if you want to enable author to edit article metadata and add further authors in all workflow stages, you would need to add ROLE_ID_AUTHOR here:
1- https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/blob/master/classes/controllers/modals/submissionMetadata/SubmissionMetadataHandler.inc.php#L53 and
2- https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/blob/master/controllers/grid/users/author/AuthorGridHandler.inc.php#L245.

If you would like to enable that just for specific workflow stages, lets say WORKFLOW_STAGE_ID_SUBMISSION and WORKFLOW_STAGE_ID_EXTERNAL_REVIEW, you would need to:
1- add this peace of code:

if (!array_intersect(array(ROLE_ID_MANAGER, ROLE_ID_SUB_EDITOR), $userRoles) &&
!(in_array(ROLE_ID_AUTHOR, $userRoles) && in_array($submission->getStageId(), array(WORKFLOW_STAGE_ID_SUBMISSION, WORKFLOW_STAGE_ID_EXTERNAL_REVIEW)))
) {
$params['hideSubmit'] = true;
$params['readOnly'] = true;

instead of these lines: https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/blob/master/classes/controllers/modals/submissionMetadata/SubmissionMetadataHandler.inc.php#L53-L56

2- this code line
if (in_array($userGroup->getRoleId(), array(ROLE_ID_AUTHOR)) && in_array($submission->getStageId(), array(WORKFLOW_STAGE_ID_SUBMISSION, WORKFLOW_STAGE_ID_EXTERNAL_REVIEW))) return true;
immediately after this line https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/blob/master/controllers/grid/users/author/AuthorGridHandler.inc.php#L245

All the workflow stage IDs constants you will find here: https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/blob/master/classes/core/PKPApplication.inc.php#L731-L736.

Hi, this would be great in the next update - we’re not programmers and would not want to introduce bugs.

Hi @bozana,

this change, (only in the submission stage) would be really great to see in the next release, I read some comments about that (above) and as a journal editor is a recurrent problem, the authors almost never complete all fields in a correct way, especially in the case when a journal work with two or three languages.

thanks for all!!

It seems a problem to me, that all journals would like to have it differently, some would like to have it as it is, some would like the authors to be able to edit metadata also in the submission stage, some also in the review stage and then some also during the copyediting. And this is what I do not know how to solve properly/generically.
@asmecher and @NateWr, do you think a setting (to chose in which workflow stages the authors can still edit the submission metadata and add further contributors) in the Settings > Workflow > Submission would work for now?

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Hi all,

I’ve moved this over to a git issue: Selectively permit author metadata changes after submission · Issue #3758 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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I would like to have this feature of giving authors the possibility of editing the metadata, typically in the editing phase.
Thank you!

Hi, this code was implemented in the following files and I cannot seem to get it to work. Authors still cannot edit the metadata in review and copyedit stages. Please let me know what is wrong.

1- /lib/pkp/classes/controllers/modals/submissionMetadata/SubmissionMetadataHandler.inc.php

2- /lib/pkp/controllers/grid/users/author/AuthorGridHandler.inc.php

3- /lib/pkp/classes/core/PKPApplication.inc.php

Hi, we had the metadata editing working for authors in the review and copyedit stages, not in the production stage and recently updated to the latest release of OJS. The code was reapplied but now we get an error message Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned.

I would appreciate knowing what edits I should make to get the metadata editing working again, we use this with every paper - there is always something the authors forget, and after copyedit, there are always changes to be made.

Hi @MarkAGregory,

Check your PHP error log for details.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

thx @asmecher, a work around was found and the code readded to our site.