OJS 3.1.2 - Unexpected error on submission page,

Hi, @asmecher,

The journal generate error on submission page “An unexpected error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again”.. and repeated 3 times before display articles.

How to resolve or suppress this error.

The submission page shows only 20 articles, but I want to display more than 20 articles under Submission–> My Queue page using OJS 3.1.2.

I read a lot on the PKP-community forum and but all the solution mentioned here are already implemented in ojs 3.1.2.

Looking forward for any suggestions or solution.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Irfan_Khan,
When I got a similiar error, that suggestion helped me to get rid of the problem.


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Thanks @drugurkocak, much appricate your help.

I installed OJS and I checked code and it’s already implemented in the same file.

It’s not related to suggestion, but I’m just asking if you have such experience. Do you think, that something like may appear because of missing some data in database. Because, I checked database this morning and found that there were some data missing and I did complete it, but don’t know may be similar problem also exist in some other tables.

Hi @Irfan_Khan
I faced this error first time when I started to configure my OJS intallation as serving multiple journals having their own (individual) domains on single installiton. I hadn’t met it before. When I applied that fix, it resolved. As far as I see, there may be some other reasons that cause same signs, requiring some other solutions.
Best regards,

Do you use a windows server?
Check this:

hello were u able to resolve this error