OJS 3.1.2: Please check your client id, scopes and redirect URIs


I have a problem regarding the link of “Create or Connect your ORCID iD”.
When I click the ling form registration, I receive the following problem: Please check your client id, scopes and redirect URIs.

How can I solve this problem?

Thank you in advance.

This message is coming from ORCID, and indicates that the credentials you have given for API access are not valid.

In the orcidProfile plugin, ensure your client id and client secret are correct.

In ORCID.org ensure that your OJS application is included as a valid Redirect URI.

Thank you for your response.
I used the ORCID iD for API key. I entered the client id, yet there is no space for the client secret.

How can add it?

In the ORCID Profile plugin settings, you need to select which endpoint to use, and provide a client id and secret there.

For more details, see:

Hi ctgraham,
I entered the keys as follows:
After, I faced a blank page.

generic/orcidProfile/pages/OrcidHandler.inc.php on line 89
plugins/generic/orcidProfile/pages/OrcidHandler.inc.php on line 90
public_html/plugins/generic/orcidProfile/pages/OrcidHandler.inc.php on line 163

Your Client ID and Client Secret should not be shared publicly. I’ve redacted the information, but you should generate a new Client ID and Client Secret.

What is the rest of the error message you received with the blank page? You’ve shared part of a stack trace. The error message which precedes it will be informative.

Thank you for your suggestion and I will this in mind.

I created a new orcid account using a new email. Then, the problem of the first step solved. However, when clicking the sing into orcid button, I am facing with the following: Redirect URI doesn’t match your registered redirect URIs.


Redirect URIs are configured within ORCID.org.

The OJS URL must be represented as one of the URIs here, including matching the http/https protocol.

I add both, yet the problem continues.

Does this site have a public URI which you can share?

What do you mean with the public URL?

How can I visit your website to see the registration page?

What specifically have you entered as Redirect URIs?

You will need your journal URL listed within the “Redirect URIs” section. The redirect URIs of pub.orcid.org and developers.google.com should not be necessary.

Hi there,

I can see this is an old thread but I’m wondering if this is where my problem lies. I have the Public API set up for our OJS installation and the redirect URL is:


Is this correct or should it just be:


[ ] added to stop it turning into a graphic.
Many thanks for your help!
