Install the Papperbuzz plugin from the OJS plugin view, and when reviewing how it is shown in an article, I get what is shown in the following image and it shows the following error:
paperbuzzviz.js:19 Uncaught TypeError: d3.timeParse is not a function
at new PaperbuzzViz (paperbuzzviz.js:19)
Thanks for verifying. And you have DOIs for your articles and they are working correctly? I might ask @bozana to weigh in on this as well. I know that there have been issues with the crossref event data in the past.
I’ve just installed OJS 3.1.2 and the papperbuzz plugin via the plugin gallery and I couldn’t reproduce the problem – I have no problem, no errors…
Could it be that your page is using another d3 version i.e. that it is loading 2 versions of d3? – look in the page source after “d3” – you should find <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> only once.
Or, how does your date published look like for that article? – I don’t think this is problem (in that case the error would be different I believe), but…
Can you share the URL of that article?
Recently I could not access your web site, but now I can.
It seems like you have another version of d3 library used by the wordcloud plugin. Only this d3 library version is loaded – only this is in your page source: <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
and not the line I posted above.
So that the papebuzz plugin is not working – that function is missing.
You could try to change this line paperbuzz/ at stable-3_1_2 · pkp/paperbuzz · GitHub in the paperbuzz plugin:
Instead of $templateMgr->addJavaScript('d3','', array('context' => 'frontend-article-view'));
you could enter the following: $templateMgr->addJavaScript('d3v4','', array('context' => 'frontend-article-view'));
I.e. instead of d3 you would use the name d3v4.
This change would try to include both d3 libraries, but it could be that d3 does not support having two versions loaded on the same page, so that this might not help.
If that does not help, you unfortunately cannot use both plugins, you have to decide which plugin you would like to use.