In some submisssion when the editor try to see the Editorial History in the popup windows no display nothing and the message Loadind appears like in this image:
The error is not for all submissions, the editor needs see them to make decisions .
I see the bottom request/response loads the spinner, but that should be followed by a request that displays the results. Is that the last request you see? Is there anything on the JS error console?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
That is most definitely the last request I see in the Firefox console. Not completely sure what you mean by the JS error console, but I hit Ctrl-Shift-J on Firefox and saw no errors show up on the console that was presented. Would appreciate your advise on how I may go about finding this JS error console if this isn’t where I was supposed to be looking.
What you should be seeing is 3 requests in sequence when you open the Information Center:
That’s one for the tabset, one for the general contents of the history tab, and the last to fetch the actual list of events.
I don’t see the final one in your list – and the one before it (view-history) looks fine. So that would suggest to me that you hit a Javascript error after view-history returned but before fetch-grid was requested. Do you have Chrome’s inspector handy? I tend to use that one.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Apologies for the delayed response to this. I can confirm that fetch-grid request is never made, or at least doesn’t show up in the Firefox console upon clicking on Editorial History.
I can also confirm the observation made by @orcalator that the editorial history shows up just fine on Chrome. It’s just in Firefox that this issue occurs, even after clearing the cache and hard-refreshing.
Again, not quite sure what you mean by Firefox’s error console, since I couldn’t find it in the browser menus. I could only find a “Web Console”, which I shared a screenshot of in OJS-3.1.2 Editorial History Problem in some submissions - #6 by reagan. Since the “Errors” option is enabled in this console, I’d assume it’d show any errors if they occurred.
I’ve stumbled across this issue today, and found out my ad stopper was responsible for that. To sort this out just try to run your browser without any extensions and add-ons. E.g. for Chrome it would be chrome.exe --disable-extensions --disable-plugins
Yikes! @Ph_We - You’re absolutely right. It was my adblocker that was tripping me up. Disabling it resolved this issue. Thanks a lot for pointing this out.