Dear all,
I am trying to register DOI with Crossref, but the validator raises a cvc-pattern-valid error regarding the syntax of the links (which looks like “//”).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<doi_batch_diagnostic status="completed" sp="">
<record_diagnostic status="Failure">
<doi />
<msg>Error: cvc-pattern-valid: Value '//' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '([hH][tT][tT][pP]|[hH][tT][tT][pP][sS]|[fF][tT][pP])://.*' for type 'resource_t'.
Error: cvc-complex-type.2.2: Element 'resource' must have no element [children], and the value must be valid.
Error: cvc-pattern-valid: Value '//' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '([hH][tT][tT][pP]|[hH][tT][tT][pP][sS]|[fF][tT][pP])://.*' for type 'resource_t'.
Error: cvc-complex-type.2.2: Element 'resource' must have no element [children], and the value must be valid.
Error: cvc-pattern-valid: Value '//' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '([hH][tT][tT][pP]|[hH][tT][tT][pP][sS]|[fF][tT][pP])://.*' for type 'resource_t'.
Error: cvc-complex-type.2.2: Element 'resource' must have no element [children], and the value must be valid.
Error: cvc-pattern-valid: Value '//' is not facet-valid with respect to pattern '([hH][tT][tT][pP]|[hH][tT][tT][pP][sS]|[fF][tT][pP])://.*' for type 'resource_t'.
Error: cvc-complex-type.2.2: Element 'resource' must have no element [children], and the value must be valid.
I would be very grateful for any help.
Best regards,