OJS 3.1.2 Change text 'Publication Fee' to 'Submission fee'

  • Application Version - OJS 3.1.2
  • Description of issue
  • Steps you took leading up to the issue : Users want to change : ‘publication fees’ need to change to ‘submission fees’
  • What you tried to resolve the issue : went through the site and and any info i could find on it

so the amount that goes in the email by “xxx” shows as


Hello @sarfaraz,

There is a plugin available on OJS - Custom Locale Plugin that allows you to make translations/textual changes locally.

The Custom Locale is only reliably available and operational for OJS/OMP/OPS 3.2.0 and newer and would suggest that you upgrade to OJS 3.2 or newer before using this plugin.

For more information on this, please see Customize a Translation Locally.

Kind Regards,
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Thank you very much :slight_smile:
Unfortunately there arent any plans for upgrades till the end of the year.
I see with with OJS2 the payment plugin was more customizable.
Am i under the correct assumption there is no other way to correct this by changing publication fee to submission fee

Yes, OJS 3 offers simplified payment compared to OJS 2 which has been set as the Publication fee.

Kind Regards,
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Thank you very much for the advice.
I have communicated this to our application owners.

For OJS 3.1.2, go to Settings → Workflow → Emails, and look for the email template - Manual payment notification. Here you can change the wording Publication fee by removing “{$itemName}” and replace it with the words Submission fee.


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