Hello. I want to ask, can we do a welcome note/text (possibly slide that changes every 1 minute) on the homepage of the journal? For example, in this website https://www.upsi.edu.my/
if can, can i know how? is there any tutorial that i can follow. I’m using OJS
Hi @kkaegeumna
That site seems to be a Wordpress CMS. I am sure there are many plugins that will do that job. If you specifically ask for a homepage slider for OJS 3, there is one. I use a commercial OJS theme developed by Openjournaltheme (@navotera) on my journal.

for that OJS theme, we need to pay for it. since i am developing this for my internship, it might be hard for me to pay for the theme.
Hi @kkaegeumna,
You can put static content into the “Additional Content” field in Website setup. If you’d like to apply some Javascript to it, i.e. for animated slides, you can use the Custom Header plugin to add the code – but beware, these are generally not accessible.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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If I want to show scrolling text using HTML, I added the HTML into the “Additional Content” field, but it won’t show the way I want it to show. The text does not move. What is wrong?
The way that I want to do is like this: My Example