I’m facing a strange problem when trying to add an existing user to a journal in a multi-journal installation.
As the site manager I go to the new journal → Users and Roles and do the search … the thing is… I never get any results. Only a never ending spinning circle.
I’ve checked the logs (Apache and MySQL) and the browser console but no error is reported at the moment of executing the search.
Any clue that might point me in the right direction to solve this?
Thank you Emma (@OpenAcademia) for taking the time to respond.
When I check the “Include users with no roles in this journal.” checkbox is when I face the problem. If I search for users with a role already assigned, the search works fine.
Right on the spot @ctgraham … after merging most of the spam users from the journals we have around 2000 users now … and the problem is gone.
Searching for existing users with no role in the journal works as it should now.