I have OJS in a Godaddy PVS with firewall. I Use PHP 7.2
Question: When an author submit a new article, they cant upload files. The system dont give them the option to upload files.
My theme is: Health Sciences
Thank you for your help
I have OJS in a Godaddy PVS with firewall. I Use PHP 7.2
Question: When an author submit a new article, they cant upload files. The system dont give them the option to upload files.
My theme is: Health Sciences
Thank you for your help
Hi @luismurillo,
Could you confirm that the update/download was successful? Are there any screenshots or error messages could you provide?
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
PKP Intern
I really dont know. Now the site is working well. The problem is when I use…
disable path_info = Off then the author cant upload files… when "disable path_info = On then the author can upload files.
Later, I disable ModSecurity on my server, and the site seems to work well.
I will do a test in other computer to see If I can.
Other way, I can give you an user and password, and you can tray to make a submission.
I try to make a submission, but the problem seems to be my firewall on godaddy. When disable path_info = Off, and I use a IP address not in the whitelist, the author cant upload the file.
I recieved this information from godaddy support:
Give the whitelist API link to each of your authors so they can whitelist their IP on their own. All they have to do is bookmark and click the following link:
Any idea, how can I do that in OJS, in orther the Authors can check and whitelist the IP address
than you