My suggestion is to truncate the submission_search_object_keywords table completely (with the MySQL truncate command), perform your upgrade, and then use the CLI tool for rebuilding the search index afterward.
So we truncated the submission_search_object_keywords table completely (with the MySQL truncate command) then ran the
php tools/rebuildSearchIndex.php
this table submission_search_object_keywords had 40163196 rows before and now after truncate/reindex it has 2637292 rows that is significantly less, is this expected or there might be issue during the indexing?
That may be normal. Your index was corrupt on the original table, and there may have been hold overs or stale records in the table from before the upgrade. How does the search look now, if you run some tests? Can you find sample articles if you search for them?
Thanks for your help with this. Just so I know I’m looking in the right place, where can I test this search in OJS? I assumed it had something to do with adding keywords but by your words:
Can you find sample articles if you search for them?
…Makes me think I should be testing this elsewhere.
I was just referring to the regular search engine that is a part of OJS. After rebuilding the search index I’d spot check to see if I can find articles that I know show be indexed.
I would like to edit my comment “So we truncated the submission_search_object_keywords table completely (with the MySQL truncate command) then ran the - php tools/rebuildSearchIndex.php” - this should say 1) truncate the table 2) upgrade 3) rebuild search index.