I am using OJS and I am having some issues with both of our jurnals Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (NBHA) and Notulae Scientia Biologicae (NSB).
We used to upload manually to Crossref (when using OJS 2.4.8) by exporting the XML file and uploading it on their platform once our issue was ready. Recently we upgraded our journals to OJS 3 and with the release of our latest issues, on both journals, we decided that is faster to use the “deposit” function from inside the Crossref IMPORT/EXPORT plugin of OJS.
The end result was that many of our old articles from past issues (i.e. published in 2016) now appear as published in 2015, 2014, 2013 on their website but with the “Published in 2016” date.
This multiplication of articles and missplacement was not supposed to happen since articles already deposited in the past on Crossref platform are supposed to be dissregarded if already existing there.
I will now add the e-mail from Crossref when we contacted them:
*Thanks for your message. Updates to existing DOIs should not create duplicate records. It looks like new DOIs were created for each of these Introduction Pages, as you can see from that Crossref Metadata Search page - each of those first eight results here: Crossref Metadata Search represent a unique DOI. *
*I’m not sure what might be causing this issue with the Crossref plugin for OJS 3, but I’d strongly advise seeking clarification from the PKP forum here: https://forum.pkp.sfu.ca/ *
We can fix these examples on our end by aliasing the multiple DOIs to a primary DOI. You can read about that here: Resolving conflicts – Support Center, but the first order of business should be for you to work with PKP to see what might be causing this.
My best,
*Isaac *
Isaac Farley
Crossref Technical Support Manager
Keep up to date with service performance, incidents, and planned maintenance at status.crossref.org
I appologise for the long post, we are trying to get the to bottom of this and to understand what might be causing it.
Thank you in advance!