Journal authors are not able to register. They receive the following error:
#### Errors occurred processing this form
*** A given name is required.**
All of the fields have been filled out, and I’ve checked the Roles settings to see that the “Allow user self-registration” box is clicked.
We are using OJS version
The journal is using the Bootstrap 3 Base Theme
Hi @John_Martin,
You are probably running a version of the bootstrap theme that is older than your release of OJS. Make sure you’re running the latest version of the bootstrap plugin.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
We are using the latest version of the Bootstrap Theme, and it appears that other journals using the Default Theme are having the same issue. Or rather, a similar issue: When they try to register, the link just sends them right back to the registration page without processing their request at all.
Thank you, yes it was a bootstrap unupgraded plugin, after upgrade everything do. Thank you
We’re still having trouble with the registration on all of the journals on our platform. Only one is using the Bootstrap Theme, the others are all using the Default Theme, and we’re running the latest version of OJS. Are there any other ideas on how to fix this?
Hi @John_Martin,
I would suggest working with the default theme for now, just to simplify your debugging. Are you using the force_login_ssl
, require_validation
, or implicit_auth
options in
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team