I have a problem with OAI service
Alguien me podría ayudar cómo resolver esto ?
hemos detectado que el proveedor de datos OAI-PMH: http://revistageon.unillanos.edu.co/index.php/geon/oai está vacío. Lo que nos impide recolectar los metadatos de los documentos de su revista. ¿Podrían, por favor, comprobarlo con su soporte técnico?
Hi @revistageon,
What version of OJS are you using? (Please include this in your posts.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Versión 3.1.1
Gracias por tu ayuda
Hi @revistageon,
In your Site Administrator’s list of journals, is the journal marked “Enabled”?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
on the site we only have one Journal
Hi @revistageon,
Sure, but you should still have access to the Site Administration area, where for example you could create a second journal if you wanted. In there, you should be able to Edit the existing journal and ensure that it’s Enabled.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I could give you access to the site to help me with the subject.
hola ya realice lo indicado, la revista esta activa
Hi @revistageon,
Go to Settings > Distribution, and visit the Access tab. What publication mode setting is chosen there? Can you try re-saving that form and seeing if it changes anything?
Do you have any relevant warnings or errors in your PHP error log?
It seems to me that something unusual is happening with your installation, so if you have modified your code or anything similar, you might want to check that this hasn’t affected the OAI interface somehow.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

user (REMOVED)
pass (REMOVED)
we have not modified the code, I send the accesses to the cpanel
excuse the audacity
Hi @revistageon,
Yes, it looks like it’s working now. Did you just re-save the settings form?
Please be careful about posting passwords in public forums! I’ve removed the credentials from the post, but please change them immediately.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
I’m having some issues with the connection to dSpace, basically I’m getting :
OAI did not respond to ListMetadataFormats query (:null ; :null): null
This is the OAI service : Open Journal Systems
do you have any idea on why is throwing that error?