I did the necessary modification in the config file and activated the plugin. Then I upload a dummy article. But I did not get my plagiarism report anywhere, neither in the iThenticate folder nor in the editorial grid.
[28-Jun-2018 20:16:58] XML-RPC: PhpXmlRpc\Helper\XMLParser::xmlrpc_ee: invalid value received in DATETIME: 2018-06-28T14:31:59Z
[28-Jun-2018 20:16:58] XML-RPC: PhpXmlRpc\Helper\XMLParser::xmlrpc_ee: invalid value received in DATETIME: 2018-06-28T14:32:00Z
[28-Jun-2018 20:16:58] PHP Warning: array_search() expects parameter 2 to be array, boolean given in /home/jlmcedun/public_html/plugins/generic/plagiarism/PlagiarismPlugin.inc.php on line 80
[28-Jun-2018 20:16:58] XML-RPC: PhpXmlRpc\Helper\XMLParser::xmlrpc_ee: invalid value received in DATETIME: 2018-06-28T14:32:00Z
[28-Jun-2018 20:16:58] Could not create folder group for context Journal of Lumbini Medical College on iThenticate.
I checked using CURL and your site is able to access ithenticate server.
We recommend you to use PHP Curl to access third party sites.
Yes, that’s where the plugin lives. Make sure you download the .tar.gz package from the Releases area (rather than the big Download button on the plugin’s repository page).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I install plugin in test ojs (ojs version 3.1.1-2). I dont see any information about plugin. Does any information have to appear in step 4? (is active and configured the credentials in config.inc.php)
No, the submission to iThenticate happens invisibly. Check in iThenticate to see if the submission has been uploaded there, and if not, check your PHP error log to see if something is recorded.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
For a future version it is possible to add option to select whether or not to send the file for revision ?. In this version plugin send all submission.
We recently started seeing this in a hosted site, and I think the error is due to a bug in the XML parser library that comes with the plugin. There is a regular expression that checks the format of the date returned. Specifically, there is a line of code in the XML library that looks at the date sent back from the server and checks to see if it matches a string:
if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]{8}T[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/', $this->_xh['ac'])) {
Essentially, that checks to see if the date looks like 20190702T16:08:05 but this is not what your date looks like. Your date looks like 2019-07-02T16:08:05Z, with dashes and a Z at the end, which won’t pass this step. You can modify the regular expression to:
Which should allow it to pass. The file you need to modify is XMLParser.php:
Hello, enabling the plugin we get the following error message
[Thu Feb 11 10:29:52.319951 2021] [php7:notice] [pid 4534] [client] Could not create folder group for context Revista Tempo e Argumento on iThenticate., referer:
this indicates an error on the server hosting OJS or an error on the ithenticate server