I´m trying to add a line break after the “keywords” or “abstract” titles in my article details, but I have no idea of php or tpl, I tried googling it but i dont know where to start. I’ve tried to ad “
” to the tpl files but I seems that it doesn’t make antything.
Im using version and manuscript template
Any Idea?
The easiest way would be to upload custom CSS. E.g.:
.keywords .label, .abstract .label {
display: block;
HEY! Thanks a lot!
Actually, that solution you gave me didnt worked, but guided me to realize I could add this block to my custom ccs and it worked. Thanks!
.obj_article_details .main_entry .label {
display: table; /* it used to be inline-block */
padding: 0 0 5px;
border-bottom: 3px solid #40d0d4;
color: rgba(0,0,0,0.54);
text-transform: uppercase;
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Yeah, you may need to apply more specific selector to override.
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