We recently upgraded from v. 2.4.8 to and have created our first new journal on the newly upgraded instance; however, the journal manager reported that Authors cannot submit. When they enter the Submission workflow they receive the following message, “The journal is not accepting submissions at this time.” I’ve checked every setting I can think of and they all look like they are properly enabled. Stranger still is that as a Journal Manager who also has Author privileges, I can submit; but those with only Author roles cannot. I’ve checked and re-checked the Author role settings and everything looks to be enabled. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you are able to submit as an editor but not as an author, the most likely case is that all of the sections in your journal have been configured to only allow submission from an editor. Under Settings > Journal > Section, when you edit a section, you will see the following option.
Make sure at least one section leaves that checkbox unchecked if you want authors to submit.
Aha! Yes! Thanks very much to you both! My apologies for posting what was likely an obvious question but I am so very grateful for your responsiveness.
Hi, i want to submit my article in “Pakistan armed forces journal” https://www.pafmj.org/PAFMJ, but i am facing the same issue. Please help me sort it out.
Thank and Regards,
Dr Palwasha