[OJS 3.1.1-2] Can't assign DOI


OJS 3.1.1-2

I can not associate a DOI with a particular article.
The OJS runs the error:
Errors occurred processing this form[The given DOI suffix is already in use for another published item. Please enter a unique DOI suffix for each item.]

I also could not find the DOI in the database:

select * from submission_settings where setting_name = ‘pub-id :: doi’ and setting_value like ‘%[DOI Prefix / DOI Suffix]%’;

Can someone help me?

Tarcisio Pereira.


Any news?

Tarcisio Pereira

Hello @Tarcisio_Pereira .

Can you test with this SQL sentence:

Hi @juanito

Tested and no results find. Still unable to asign doi.

Tarcisio Pereira.

Hi @Tarcisio_Pereira . Can you do this?

mysqldump -u youruser -p ojs > backup.sql
egrep -iR 'Your_DOI_suffix' backup.sql 

Hi @Tarcisio_Pereira

Do you assign the DOIs only to the articles, or also for other objects like issues or galleys?
What kind/type of suffix do you use?


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Hi @juanito @bozana

@juanito I can’t mysqldump because its a postgresql database :mage:
But, I done the equivalent in postgresql dump and nothing was found.

egrep -iR ‘10.1108/INMR-03-2018-0013’ 2019.01.22_00.50.01_revistas.sql

So far as I know, we use DOI only in articles.
I double checked the configuration of the doi plugin. Just articles.
I’m searching for ‘10.1108/INMR-03-2018-0013’

Tarcisio Pereira

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SELECT * FROM submission_settings WHERE setting_value='INMR-03-2018-0013';


Hi @Tarcisio_Pereira

What are you suffix settings – are you using the custom suffix of a pattern?


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SELECT * FROM submission_settings WHERE setting_value=‘INMR-03-2018-0013’;
submission_id | locale | setting_name | setting_value | setting_type
152369 | | doiSuffix | INMR-03-2018-0013 | string
(1 row)

For what this ‘doiSuffix’ is used for? Why it’s not ‘pub-id :: doi’?

Individual custom DOI suffix for each published item.

Thank you both!

Tarcisio Pereira

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Hi @Tarcisio_Pereira

I assume you are using 3.x version. If custom suffix is used, it will be first saved with/as that setting_name. Then, first when you assign the DOI (select the appropriate check-box and save the form), the DOI will be assigned and saved with/as the setting_name pub-id::doi.
When custom suffixes are used, every time you save the suffix/form, it will be checked if there is already a same DOI and a same suffix (because it could be saved/created but not assigned yet). Thus, it seems that you already created/saved such a suffix for another object/article, but haven’t assigned the DOI to that article yet.


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Hi @bozana

Thank you by the explanation.

Tarcisio Pereira.