The “Partial expiry” feature does not seem to be working. We run OJS and I think I configured it correctly and I have the right IPs in the IP ranges.
Thank you,
The “Partial expiry” feature does not seem to be working. We run OJS and I think I configured it correctly and I have the right IPs in the IP ranges.
Thank you,
Hi @gabriela,
Can you provide more information about what’s not working? What do you expect, and what’s happening instead?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alex,
One of our subscription journals has the “Partial expiry” enabled, however, the subscribers cannot access issues that were issued while their subscription was valid. I tested it with the McMaster subscription. I went in and set the expiry date of our subscription to June 2019 and I was not able to access the issue published on January 2019. Please let me know if you need more details. I can give you temporary journal manager access to the journal.
Thank you,
I was just wondering if you were able to replicate the problem.
Best wishes,
Hi @gabriela,
That feature seems to be working for me (OJS 3.1.2-1, but I don’t think anything changed in that regard between 3.1.1-0 and 3.1.2-1). Is your subscription status “Active”? Have you checked the publication dates on issues and articles to make sure they’re set correctly?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Looping back to this as we have another client complaining about this.
The subscription status is active and the publication date is in the rage of the active subscription. If I expand the subscription to tomorrow’s date, I get access. If I modify the subscription to expire yesterday, I do not get access to the past issues.
Hi @gabriela,
Ah, good spotting – I’ve filed and fixed this at Subscription end dates are not inclusive · Issue #6229 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. There is a patch there (two, actually, but they’re equivalent and just come from different git branches); the fix will be released in OJS 3.2.1-2, but you can probably back-port it to 3.1.1-0 fairly trivially.
Note that the fix does not affect existing subscriptions; to apply it to those, you’ll need to change the date_end
column in the subscriptions
table in your database so that the time portion of the datetime field is 23:59:59
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you very much Alex.
We upgraded to this last Monday, so it should not be a problem to add the fix.
Have a great long weekend!