We recently upgraded from OJS 2.2.4 to 2.4.8 and then to
I must say the OJS 3 is a great improvement over OJS 2. Excellent work and congratulations.
I have run into a problem with Prepared emails in I am trying to test the Review Reminders in submissions.
When I go to the Workflow then Emails I get the list with Subscription Manager as the Sender and Reviewer as Recipient for many emails.
I checked the following prepared emails in the Workflow Settings and they all contain the correct text and references.
Also several others. These all show the Subscription Manager as the Sender. The bodies of the emails when I edit them are correct.
I would like to send reminders to reviewers from the submission page with reviewers listed when they are overdue. When I click on send reminder in my role as Journal Editor the body of the email is blank except for a line that says Editor - Journal of … when sent by the Editor and totally blank when cliked on Send Reminder by the Section Editor.
The reviewer name and email address shows OK at top.
I cannot see a REVIEW_REMIND email in the workflow list. The email is listed in the email_templates_default table as ID 22. I do not see this key in the email_templates_default_data table. the email_templates and email_templates table have no records.
In the email_templates_default table ID 22 shows role_id 512 as the from_role and role_id 4096 as the to_role. These are roles for the Section Editor and the Author.
I have poured through the roles, user_groups and email_templates tables and I think I have the relationships figured out or at least I think so.
Interestingly when we first installed it actually sent emails to several reviewers. I checked the email log and I guess that is a good thing but only one was a full messages as the prepared email indicated. Several others were blank.
I can send sceen shots if needed. I just need to know how to proceed to get these working and then test others.