I updated my test install of OJS largely according to the instructions [1] (except that the composer.phar file is somewhere else than mentioned there). But after that, I cannot access the site settings. The “site setup” tab still is loaded initially with an error in the JavaScript console [2]. But if I try to click on the “Languages” or “Plugins” tabs, it doesn’t do anything - just give another error in the JavaScript console [3]. Question: I need to continue to work on our plugin which is targeting version 3.X of OJS. Should I be sticking to a specific rel;ease of version 3.X, or should I be updating to the latest github version? If yes, what should I do then?
[1] GitHub - pkp/ojs: Open Journal Systems
[2] Handler.js:40 Uncaught Error: The handler “$.pkp.controllers.UrlInDivHandler” has already been bound to the selected element!
[3] Handler.js:167 Uncaught Error: There is no handler bound to this element! at Function.$.pkp.classes.Handler.getHandler (Handler.js:167) at HTMLFormElement. (
Hi @Johannes_Wilm,
Which branch are you using?
This might not solve the problem totally, but make sure you’ve removed the contents of your template cache (cache/t_compile/*.php
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I was on master, but I returned to 3.0.2 now. That works. I just need to get accustomed to your development process.
Hi @Johannes_Wilm,
If you’d like to use the master branch from git, you’ll need to add some new tools. See this Google doc, and also make sure to flush you template cache as above. Starting with OJS 3.1 and OMP 3.1.1 we’ll be making use of vue.js for some parts of OJS and OMP – no server-side node.js toolset will be needed to run it, though!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I had noticed there was a package.json, so I did run the standard npm steps. But I didn’t flush the cache, etc. . Is there reason to believe that we will have to change the plugin a lot for version 3.1? If not, I can just stay on 3.0.2 until you’re getting closer to release.
Hi @Johannes_Wilm,
I can’t recall whether your plugin integration makes changes on the submission lists (e.g. on users’ dashboards), but that’s where the vue.js templates have been introduced. They’ll work their way further into OJS in subsequent releases, but for now, that’s all for 3.1. There’ll also be an initial REST API, but of course your plugin is free to use it or not.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team