OJS 3.0.2: Turn off email on test site

I have a test site that is a clone of an OJS 3 journal. We use it to test upgrades and new plugins. Before any test I clone the production database. Sometimes the test server sends out reminder emails for things that were due during the last cloning, that are long since handled in production, which confuses referees and authors. Is there a configuration switch that simply turns off email? The solution I’m using now is to activate SMTP but with settings that won’t work, which isn’t very pretty.


Hi @simonmitternacht,

When working with test copies, I tend to neuter certain fields in the database, for example:

UPDATE users SET email=CONCAT(username,'@mailinator.com'), password=SHA1(CONCAT(username,username));

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

It is important to remember that there is also the table “authors” that contains email addresses. Do for example:

update authors set email=‘none@mailinator.com’;

I noticed there is work on disabling email totally (for a test server), but it has not been included into a release yet, correct?

Kind regards,

Hi all,

There is an issue filed to add a sandbox mode, where email delivery, CrossRef deposits, etc. are all disabled:

However, there has been no development work on that yet.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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