I had some older submissions in copyediting stage, and sent them to production in order to schedule the future publication. However, I can’t schedule it because it throws “Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned.” and in php error log PHP Warning: assert(): Assertion failed in /var/www/html/classes/article/Article.inc.php on line 94, referer: http://xxxxxxxxxx/workflow/index/3938/5
I had published other issue with older submissions too, and didn’t experience this problem.
Thank you,
Best regards
Hi @digitojs,
Walk through your journal settings again – particularly Settings > Workflow > Distribution. I think reviewing and saving the settings there will resolve the assert()
If your web server is set to display error messages via the browser, rather than just saving them in the log, you’ll sometimes run into “Failed Ajax” type messages. For production systems it’s recommended not to send warnings to the browser.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Reviewing and saving the settings didn’t change anything, but when removing the error messages in browser it worked again. I was messing with the web server and didn’t notice the changes, but now its fixed.
Thank you!
Best regards
Hi @digitojs,
What message is deleted? in the line code? Thanks
We have the same issue when we want to “Schedule for Publication” get the “Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned”. OJS version… Anybody can help
Hi @Alireza_Mosavi_Jarra,
This appears to have been resolved here: Problema con error: "Failed Ajax request or invalid JSON returned." - #9 by Alireza_Mosavi_Jarra
(It’s best not to post the same question/issue in multiple places – it clutters the forum.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team