No puedo eliminar una sección en una revista de OJS. Me dice que tiene artículos pero no es así. Está vacía. Que puedo hacer?
Hi @alopez,
Could you please confirm which version of OJS you are using?
Kind regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Team
La versión es OJS 3.0.2
hi @alopez,
If there are any published articles in that section that you’d like to keep as published, it cannot be deleted. I’d suggest editing the section as Journal Manager to disable new submissions to it (for non-Editors).
Otherwise, please see the following thread to find what articles have been submitted under this section. These may include rejected manuscripts. You will need to change the sections before you will be able to remove this section.
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi i have this version, me asegure de mover cada uno de los artículos a la nueva versión antes de eliminar, de hecho si filtro la búsqueda en los envíos y escojo la sección que quiero eliminar, me dice que no hay envíos a esa sección, aún así no me permite borrarlas, ayuda por favor.
make sure to move each item to the new version before deleting, in fact if I filter the search in the submissions and choose the section I want to delete, it tells me that there are no submissions to that section, still it does not allow me to delete them
Perdón quise decir sección