I want to customizing the Submissions page on the Dashboard. In detail, I want to have an additional tab showing the submission with supplemental data.
I tried to follow [Customizing the submissions page] but it is not for OJS 3.0.2.
I added a new tab in templates/dashboard/index.tpl but also created a new template file for the new tab. I basically copied active.tbl and changed all the names containing active.
I furthermore adjusted the file lib/pkp/pages/dashboard/DashboardHandler.inc.php by copying and renaming the function active.
I than copied the ActiveSubmissionGridListHandler and changed the names. I left the remaining code as it is to see if it is working. In theory, my new tab should be a copy of the active tab but with a different label.
I can see the tab but if I click on it, it stays blank. In the error console of my browser I found the error message:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://[2001:638:902:2003:7ce0:57ff:fea4:6996]/ojs/index.php/mr2/submissions/myPaperPackages?_=1504179715981
I do not know which resource OJS cannot find. Any help is welcome.