I am running OJS 3.0.2 on a shared hosting server, with a one single journal install, and with Bootstrap theme.
I am trying to make sure Users cannot submit articles (temporarily, until our call is finalized).
To this end, I have used the method suggested by @ctgraham here http://forum.pkp.sfu.ca/t/turn-off-article-submission-system/16676/5?u=afisher
It turns out that users registered as authors can still start a submission, but at step 1 “start” submission, they simply cannot select a section to submit their article for.
Completing step 1 without selecting the section just gives an error message, while there should be a moment when users/authors can see “This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.”.
I found that the string <message key="author.submit.notAccepting">This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.</message>
is properly included in my /locale/<used idiom>/author.xml
When is it supposed to show up?