OJS 3.0.2 access to additional public files

I am migrating from OJS 2.4 to 3.0.2.
In 2.4, I had a directory where I uploaded public files downloadable by the users (e.g., the template for the journal - myTemplate.doc).
The URL in the link was like this: /index.php?journal=IJSG&page=manager&op=files&path%5B%5D=myTemplate.doc.
This link, after migration to 3.0.2, is broken, despite the files_dir (in config.inc.php) is also in the new server (the issues’ pdf are regularly downloadable).

Hi @Francesco

Was your folder with the downloadable template files in the OJS public folder? If not I would recommend to put it there, then you can access it something like this: http://myjournal.com/public/yourFolder/yourTemplate.doc


Works, thank you, Bozana!

Hi @Francesco,

If these documents are to be used by journal insiders (and not the general public), I’d suggest looking into the Journal Library; it’s intended for contracts, templates, etc. When these are filled out, they can be uploaded for each submission in the Submission Library.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team