[OJS] img width/height and tiny mce

My editors placed some images refs into tiny mce. In tiny mce you could select a placed img and resize it optically. This will produce <img width="185" height="83" [...]/>. But this is overwritten by default templates’
img {
max-width: 100%;
width: auto;
height: auto;
Is there a way to cancel width: auto without changing the default template? All my efforts with resetting width to default failed.

Thanks, Tobias

Hi @twa

Is the following img definition in a template (and if so in which) or in a CSS file?
I would think that it is in a CSS file and that you can overwrite it in a new CSS file, that you would then upload as journal manager under Settings > Website > Appearance > Journal style sheet.


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Sorry for my late reply, I was on digital diet for some time …

I’m fully aware of the possibilities to overwrite existing CSS code in OJS (the definition is inside the »default theme« as mentioned in my first post) .

When I deactivate this definition in Chrome’s Developer Tools, the img is displayed properly (although »auto« is the initial value of »width«). So I tried to find a way to cancel this definition without touching the default theme. But it seems to me, that there is no way to do so.


Hi @twa

Hmmm… If all images are with different size and thus should be display differently, than it would be maybe best to resize the image to the correct size and then upload it in the correct size, right?


But in the days of responsive websites and multiple browsing devices, the decision about the best image size is quite difficult (not to say: impossible).

Thanks for your thoughts!