Users that had this role in OJS 2 are missing it in OJS 3.0.2.
Hi @alexxxmendonca,
Were these section editors who didn’t have any sections assigned to them? The migration code converts all section editors who had section assignments, but does not currently include others without sections.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hello @asmecher,
They didn’t have any sections assigned to them.
We instruct our journals to not assign their editions to sections so that new manuscripts will fall into the “Unassigned” queue instead of going straight to them.
Hi @alexxxmendonca,
The current behavior is “intended”, but I agree that it would be better/more consistent to migrate all section editors, not just those assigned to sections. Filed for improvement here: Migrate all section editors in OJS 2.x to 3.x upgrade · Issue #2470 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team