[OJS 2] Dublicate Authors

in my Instance of OJS some authors appear twice in the “browse by author” - view. The issue is similar to the one in this old thread:
So the tow Authors have different links:


They differ in one white space at the ending at the end of the last_name as described in the old forum article. Both links lead to the very same page listing the same articles. Other than described in the old thread, I can not repair this by removing the white space in the article metadata because there is none. I have no idea where to find this white space actually, not even in the database:

select concat('|', last_name, '|') from authors where last_name like 'Eck%';


(12 rows)

Can anyone help or explain what is happening here?

Hi @paf,

The authors table has an entry per author per article – if an author is credited for two different articles, they’ll have two different entries. This allows author metadata to be unique per article, so e.g. authors whose names, institutions, etc. change won’t causes to already-published metadata.

That makes it hard to disambiguate and properly list articles with their holdings. Our plans for this are primarily focused on ORCIDs, and we’ll be working in OJS 3.x to refine the connectivity with ORCID. However, we’re unlikely to make major changes to OJS 2.4.x at this point.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you Alec for the reply. I understand that. But as you can see in the query results above, there is no version of the name which includes a whitespace at the end (to make this visible I put pipes in the and and beginning) - so why does it still produce two author links, one with withe space and one without?

Hi @paf,

Ah, sorry, I read your first post too quickly. It looks to me like the space is actually on the first name, not the last name. I’d suggest looking there.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

@asmecher crab, you are right. I was really silly in this case :slight_smile: Now it’s done. Sorry for wasting your time and thank you!

Hi @paf,

Not a problem! Glad it’s resolved.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team