I would like to ask everyone if you are encounter this error after upgrade to OJ 3.0.2 Beta?
When I check the Main site(http://philair.ph ) it’s okay no pr0blem.
Root User root@localhost via s97-74-4-180.secureserver.net
5:59 PM (2 minutes ago)
to me
Your Open Journal Systems installation automatically executed and finished this task and you can download the log file here: http://philair.ph/publication/index.php/index/admin/downloadScheduledTaskLogFile?file=Usagestatisticsfileloadertask-5922b66ec1ac6-20170522.log
You’re probably using OJS 3.0.2.
Start by looking in your webserver’s error log for the details on the 500 error.
Check your webserver error log
Usually, this indicates that a PHP error has occurred and the message has been sent to your web server or system log file. Check there – e.g. /var/log/apache/error.log, although the exact location will depend on your server configuration – for further details.
Check your file permissions
If you haven’t installed OJS yet, then the most likely cause is a problem with file permissions in your cache/ or cache/t_compile directories. See docs/README for information on…
Hi @Darryl_Nuyda ,
I’m not sure what you mean by 3.1 beta – there isn’t one – but if you’re using pre-release code from the git master branch, be aware that we won’t be supporting upgrades to/from pre-release code. I’d suggest using the latest release (currently OJS 3.0.2) or the latest git stable branch (currently ojs-stable-3_0_2
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Sorry! it’s ojs 3.0.2 upgrade.
Hello Alec & Ctgraham;
thanks for you response for this issue, but my problem after I upgrade to OJS 3.0.2 Beta upgrade; the philair.ph/publication is viewed for 2 days after this viewing on this, and some changes of file transfer through ftp.
the OJS website is “This page isn’t working”. I want to know where is the log file? or what is the problem on this?
Check with your system administrator or your hosting provider for the location of the “webserver error logs”. There may be separate error logs for Apache vs. PHP, or they may be combined. You are probably looking for PHP errors.
Hi All,
I tried to configure the Server and Cpanel also the PHP and it’s working fine. But, when I tried to run the OJS page no changes happened!.
I tried to create a HTML file , to check if the problem is the same.
see attached file, and working fine:
but, When I get back to index.php the result isn’t working;
@mainpage OJS API Reference
Welcome to the OJS API Reference. This resource contains documentation
generated automatically from the OJS source code.
The design of Open %Journal Systems 2.x is heavily structured for
maintainability, flexibility and robustness. Those familiar with Sun’s
Enterprise Java Beans technology or the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern
will note similarities.
As in a MVC structure, data storage and representation, user interface
presentation, and control are separated into different layers. The major
categories, roughly ordered from “front-end” to “back-end,” follow:
Smarty templates, which are responsible for assembling HTML pages to
display to users;
Page classes, which receive requests from users’ web browsers, delegate
any required processing to various other classes, and call up the
appropriate Smarty template to generate a response;
Controllers, which implement reusable pieces of content e.g. for AJAX
Action classes, which are used by the Page classes to perform non-trivial
processing of user requests;
Model classes, which implement PHP objects representing the system’s
various entities, such as Users, Articles, and Journals;
Data Access Objects (DAOs), which generally provide (amongst others)
update, create, and delete functions for their associated Model classes,
are responsible for all database interaction;
Support classes, which provide core functionalities, miscellaneous common;
Additionally, many of the concerns shared by multiple PKP applications are
implemented in the shared “pkp-lib” library, shipped in the lib/pkp
subdirectory. The same conventions listed above apply to lib/pkp as well.
As the system makes use of inheritance and has consistent class naming
conventions, it is generally easy to tell what category a particular class
falls into.
For example, a Data Access Object class always inherits from the DAO class,
has a Class name of the form [Something]%DAO, and has a filename of the form
To learn more about developing OJS, there are several additional resources
that may be useful:
@file ojs/index.php
Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Simon Fraser University
Copyright (c) 2003-2017 John Willinsky
Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
@ingroup index
Bootstrap code for OJS site. Loads required files and then calls the
dispatcher to delegate to the appropriate request handler.
// Initialize global environment
$application = require(‘./lib/pkp/includes/bootstrap.inc.php’);
// Serve the request
and what is the problem on this HTTP ERROR 500?
and philair.ph is doing fine after I configured the php.ini in the server;
When, I tried to empty the Database of this OJS:
Please Help me on this?
Yeay I got yah. I fixed the problem.
Increasing the memory limit and max upload file size to the Server in PHP Configuration Editor and update the php.ini file. and all errors solve, then re upgrade the database of OJS.
Thanks a lot ctgraham and alec for the assistance;