I would appreciate a pointer on how to do a couple of things. We have a number of universities that subscribe to our journal. I need to know how to 1. give automatic access to the universities IP addresses and 2. count usage for the IP addresses as we need to report this to the universities annually.
I suppose your journal is a subscription journal, so you would need to create an institutional subscription where you can define the IP addresses, that will have the access to your content. S. this documentation: http://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/docs/userguide/2.3.1/journalManagementPages.html#journalManagementInstitutionalSubscriptions
The usage statistics based on the IP addresses is currently not possible within OJS. You might have to use another tool to calculate that.
Thank you for the help bozana. I’m deeply concerned there is no way to track our subscriber usage. We’re in trouble without this information. On a cpanel install there is no way for us to get access to the apache log files to use another tool - and I would have no idea how to do this on linux anyway.
I’m quite amazed really that OJS does not have this capability.
Is there a way to measure how many times an institutional subscriber comes to the website?
Hi @MarkAGregory
Since first days of OJS install, I use piwik plugin to track visits to our journal.
It gives detailed information about visitors, their ip, country, city and isp providers. I think you may try piwik plugin and get your way.
Here is some screenshots from our site.
Ugur Kocak
We will work on that feature but it is not a high priority right now. You can track the status here: [OJS] Track and report on institutional subscriber usage · Issue #2676 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Till then, you could either use another tool/service as @drugurkocak suggested, or use the OJS log files and calculate the numbers you would need…
thank you for this information, appreciated. I’ll install it and see how I go.