In the global basic search I get results for articles which are actually hidden in OJS.
Is there a way to get only results for articles which are actually part of published journals?
With “published journals” I am thinking of journals for which the entry “Enable this journal to appear publicly on the site” (in the Journal Settings) is switched on.
Hi @lcbossert,
Try applying the patch in this issue: Exclude content from disabled journals in search results · Issue #2272 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Please confirm if it works for you and I’ll add it to the ojs-stable-2_4_8
Note that this will exclude hidden journals from site-wide search results, but within the disabled journal, the search will work as expected.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
I tried the patch (, and can confirm, that it works as excepted.
Hi @paf,
Thanks – committed to ojs-stable-2_4_8
as well.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team