You should turn on both captcha and recaptcha settings. The captcha settings define where the test is presented, and the recaptcha settings set it up with Google’s service. If you’re still having trouble when the journal becomes publicly accessible, send me a message with the URL and I’ll have a quick look.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am using keys that are labeled as V2. However, you do not need to make any changes to ojs except in the config file. I’m not sure if this somehow keeps it at V1 or if I’m just lucky that it’s working.
Did you make sure that you have the PHP GD library enabled as Alex suggested? That fixed my problem.
I strongly recommend using the “Full Package” upgrade method over using the old “patch” method for any upgrades.
Old releases, such as 2.4.2, are not actively maintained, and the latest enhancements will only be found in the most recent major releases (currently 2.4.8-x and 3.0.x). If you are comfortable with programming and with git, you can try to backport newer features into old releases, but our recommendation will be to update to the current stable release.
WE at uni AUSTRALIA are getting a lot of spam registrations on ONE journal of one OJS instance (we have several ojs instances and 2 journals on this INSTANCE).
IT is Popular Entertainment Studies
It is V2.4.2.0 (DEC 2013)
No Patching allowed by our bussiness people until they have time to verify their TEST CASES (never?).
I configured ReCaptcha using a V2 Key (not invisible) and got the validation BOX in the register form.
WE get a V1 recapture BOX. Not the Tick the check box on “I am not a robot one”
The one that has 2 sets of characters on different angles and separated to look like they should be 2 words and expects you to enter all the characters and not insert a space … I think some Humans will give up on this crazy one.
I think you can go to Register and see,
Still they were getting SPAM Registrations. The form will not work for a human (that is one of us) unless the ReCaptcha validation is satisfied.
I used advanced settings today to slide the slider for Security Preference from default in the middle position to Most Secure “All security Features turned on”.
Since then I only see 3 Register logs. IS this a coincidence and a spam bot will come and add hundreds over the weekend?
SO Time will tell if this is an improvement.
They have removed 2000 of 7000 SPAM added users and are getting a bit carried away today removing …
I will get some time next week and refresh this instance into my RedHAT RHEL 7 TEST server and see if I can get the UPGRADE process I should use to work. Once DONE I will say "YOU have to go through your TEST cases on this upgraded (no PUB access) VERSION and Approve the UPDATES go into PROD.
Then I will see if they will get someone to work on looking into using V3.