I found a query in PKPUserDAO.inc.php:
437 $interestDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('InterestDAO'); // Loaded to ensure interest constant is in namespace
438 $sql .=', controlled_vocabs cv, controlled_vocab_entries cve, controlled_vocab_entry_settings cves, user_interests ui
439 WHERE cv.symbolic = "' . CONTROLLED_VOCAB_INTEREST . '" AND cve.controlled_vocab_id = cv.controlled_vocab_id
440 AND cves.controlled_vocab_entry_id = cve.controlled_vocab_entry_id AND LOWER(cves.setting_value) ' . ($match == 'is' ? '=' : 'LIKE') . ' LOWER(?)
441 AND ui.user_id = u.user_id AND cve.controlled_vocab_entry_id = ui.controlled_vocab_entry_id';
442 $var = $match == 'is' ? $value : "%$value%";
443 break;
WHERE cv.symbolic = "’ . CONTROLLED_VOCAB_INTEREST . '" AND cve.controlled_vocab_id = cv.controlled_vocab_id
PostgreSQL can’t handle string inside ", only inside ‘.
I change my line to:
WHERE cv.symbolic = '’ . CONTROLLED_VOCAB_INTEREST . '’ AND cve.controlled_vocab_id = cv.controlled_vocab_id
Not the best way, I know, but working for me.
Other people is with the same problem.
What is the best way to get it right?