Hello everyone,
I’m a new OJS and trying to incorporate it to my organisation’s editorial production workflow. It’s an awesome system and I’m really enjoying learning it.
However, I’m having problems regarding user roles - I seem to be missing a few of them, when trying to enroll users (using the functionality enroll user as), I cannot find the Copyeditor, Layout Editor or Proofreader roles. We have the latest stable version installed (2.4.7).
Does anyone know why this is happening?
Thanks in advance!
I figured this out shortly after posting; it was a journal configuration issue.
Can you post what you changed in the Journal Setup, so that others who run into the same question can find the answer in this thread? Thanks!
Certainly; to enable the Copyeditor role, Under Journal Setup, subsection 4 (Management) the first radio button on item 4.5 (Copyeditors) needs to be selected (a Copyeditor will be assigned to work with each submission); similarly, to enable the Layout Editor role, the first radio button needs to be checked for item 4.6 (Layout Editors).
Hope this helps someone out there!
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