OJS 2.4.7-1 statistical data

Hi, Graham and Bruno
We upgrade the system to 2.4.8 and reprocess the log…but I have a comment…when I check statistics by article, the values obtained by the code of Bruno Abstract views, PDF views and Download Stats Made Public 😶 - #8 by Dein, are correct for the articles published after upgrade (new metrics) but in the case of the articles published before upgrade (new metric) the values correspond with new metrics noly and, but the total download are the sum of the old estatistics and the values of new metrics.
At this point, my question is…how I can show in the article page the correct value (the old statistics that appear in a report plus the values of new metrics) for example for the article 907 publishes in 2014, the abstract views are 949 and PDF download 312 (in a report), but in the article page the values are abstract 87 and PDF 26 that correspond with the statistic in the log corresponding to november 2015 to present.