I was wondering if there is a was of fixing missing email body text under History > email log.
All of the information is in the log except the body which is of course the most important.
Here is an example:-
Email Log
ID 2366
Date May 19, 2015 - 01:58 PM
Sender Jeffery Damon Dagnone
From "Jennifer O'Brien" <cmej.manager@usask.ca>
To "Dr. Jeffery Damon Dagnone" <damondagnone@hotmail.com>
BCC cmej.manager@usask.ca
Subject [CMEJ] Submission Acknowledgement
Delete Log Entry
Back to Email Log
Thanks Edward
I tested locally and the email logs are correctly saving the body info. Are you sure the original email body was not empty? Is this happening with all email log entries in your installation?
The original email body was not empty. It seems to have corrected itself but we do have a number of emails that have empty body information.
So not sure what happened to cause the body to be blank.
I am just trying to figure out if there was a way to correct the blank body emails in the history.
Not sure what you meant here… The body is not null anymore in the history?
Sorry, yes the body does not appear to be blank anymore.