OHS Open Harvester can it list Journal Article Records on Havested Records list chronological with the latest published work first?

Open Harvester Systems version

Once a journal is harvested by OHS - the link that allows you to view the journal records from the front user interface displays the list of articles harvested from the journal…but at random and in no particular chronological order. Meaning, the articles are not from latest to oldest available to the visitor.

We would like the Harvester to list records harvested from a journal - but, listing these records with the latest first in the list, and subsequently the older once will follow in a chronological order.

How and what should we do to make this work?

Hi @tretief,

In Site Administration, you can create sort orders and assign them to the various fields for each metadata format. You’ll then need to re-index your installation, e.g. by running php tools/rebuildSearchIndex.php. This will add sorting options to the list of records.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Dear Alec

To provide feedback; thanks for your guidance it worked. We first had to dump the existing metadata from the archive entries.

As an after thought, we realised that that the date displayed as published in OHS was actually the published date of the issue and not the article. The latter we had to amend in the oai export from OJS to be correctly imported into OHS.

Blessings, Trudie