Is it possible to edit a template to split realy urls from other identifiers?
I have dc.identifier.isbn, dc.identifier,citation and dc.identifier.uri. And all of ti are identifiers in OAI. In OHS i have links like this - http://myhostnam/5-7996-0324-9
Are you wondering about the presentation of the record in the record lists, or the page presenting the full record? The templates for those are plugins/schemas/dc/summary.tpl and plugins/schemas/dc/record.tpl, respectively (assuming you’re using the Dublin Core metadata format).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Is it possible to “build” a tar.gz file from git + all patches? I try to use it, but get an error (DB Error: Duplicate entry ‘67’ for key ‘sessions_pkey’).
I try to compare git and release vresions - pkp-lib have many different things.
harvester also have difference, for example “controllers” and “js” folders. I try to combine this two sources. For example, this file is very usefull, but it have zero size in release.
All recomended patches are allready applied in git. It will be usefull to make may be not new release, but some kind of rollup.
Yes, I look at the templates, but I do not understand how to split irls from other identifiers
Can you help me with downloading 2.3.2 stable branch of pkp-lib? I have shell and git. I make this commands:
git clone harvester
cd harvester
git submodule update --init --recursive
But something goes wrong and harvester does not work.
I found a php developer and he helps me to make all I need.
Example1 - Просмотреть запись now I can show coar metadata registry values.
Example2 - Просмотреть запись now I can make urls not only in “identifiers”.
I want to make such things for ISSN, ISBN and may be some other regular expressions. But now I want to explore preprocessor plugins and after that make something own, If preprocessor plugins will not solve my problems.