OCS2.3.6.0 upgrade.php patch issue

When I try to run php upgrade.php patch I get this message?
Failed to load version info from http://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs/xml/ocs-version.xml

How do I get this to work?


Hi @EdwardDavid,

Is your system firewalled from accessing pkp.sfu.ca? The patch tool needs to check what version of OCS is current in order to download the patch, and it looks like the server isn’t accessible.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

HI @asmecher,

Just got off the phone with our network people and they have confirmed that it is not a firewall issue.
They opened the firewall for pkp.sfu.ca with the same results.

So what else could be causing this issue?


Hi @EdwardDavid,

We’ve recently instituted automatic https redirects on the PKP website, and it looks like some PHP installations don’t like it when attempting to fetch the XML descriptor. I’ll see if we can exclude the XML files from the https redirect process over here.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @EdwardDavid,

Please try this again – http urls should be available again for certain documents without a redirect.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher,

With OCS still getting the same message I am just running a “php upgrade.php check”.
Interesting thing when I run run check with OJS and OMP they both work fine.

It appears the issue is just with OCS.


Hi @asmecher,

Not too sure what you did but just tried it again and it worked.


Sorry to res - this issue still occurs for us across a couple of OJS installs with different versions. Is the HTTP access no longer available for the XML? Is there some other workaround if it’s not?

Hi @davechristensen,

The http version is still showing up fine for me. I suspect your server has allow_url_fopen disabled in its PHP configuration or something similar.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hey @asmecher - good thought there, but no deal unfortunately - allow_url_fopen is indeed permitted. Capture

Curling the file is just fine. Pretty frustrating.

Hi @davechristensen,

Hmm, I think this is probably caused by some quirk of your server environment rather than something specific to OJS. If this is an ignorable kind of irritant, then I’d suggest ignoring it – but if you want to investigate further, I’d suggest looking at the FileWrapper class in lib/pkp/classes/file/FileWrapper.inc.php – in particular the wrapper function, which is where a few different code paths are used depending on your server’s configuration.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team