[OCS] What the URL I inform in Paypal to receive the information?

Dears users PKP OCS,

My question is which URL is to inform in Paypal to get the messages payment back?

In my case I informed:

With the payment/landing at the end.

Hi @juliano,

To get the appropriate IPN URL, go to the OCS payment page as if you were going to purchase conference attendance. View the source for the page, and find the notify_url form parameter.

OCS provides this to PayPal, but it appears that PayPal doesn’t always respect what OCS specifies.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

hi @asmecher

Thx for yout attention, and I found the URL informed in notify_url in my case was


I created 2 account in sandbox, bussiness and regular, in OCS I put ID 6UCR5F647DD3Q and URL indicated by OCS:


When I used regular account and “pay” the page that will return show me this information


Was that supposed to show up?

Hi @juliano,

Have a look e.g. at this thread for some debugging suggestions.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team