I am intending to have early, standard and executive registration types. Early and standard are public but for the executive rego I have selected
“Do not make this registration type publicly available.” and have set a “fee code” for this rego type as they will pay nothing for basic rego.
When registering one can see the early and standard rego and the option to enter a “Fee Code” but I cannot see how those entitled to the free executive rego get to select that registration. They can select the early rego and enter the code but their bill is for the full early rego cost.
I see at the end of the old archived posts there is: https://pkp.sfu.ca/support/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2757&p=33950&hilit=Fee+code#p33950 the same problem.
“If you were given a secret code for registration, please enter it here and make sure you’ve chosen the correct registration type above.”
When a user enters that it does not seem to do anything. That code does not appear in the email to the conference manager or in the page listing the registrations.