OCS / Open Conference Roadmap

Any updates to share on Open Conference Systems roadmap, say likely short to medium term developments (relevant for a conference looking to announce / open in November 2016 for event scheduled in mid-2017)?

Any feedback from any recent users (or links to share)?


Carleton University

Hi @parser,

OCS has been in maintenance-only mode for the last few years as we focused on getting OMP released and mature (now complete) on then on getting OJS 3.0 released (in progress, expected this summer). At some point I hope to leverage the shared library that we’ve developed in the process to relaunch a more modern version of OCS – call it OCS 3.0 – but I can’t confirm that we’ll be doing this for sure, and I certainly couldn’t put a date to it. If you’re content with OCS as it currently appears, we’ll at least be maintaining it for stability for the foreseeable future.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team