I’m having some problems installing OCS (2.3.6) and OJS (3.1.1-4).
System configuration is:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)
PHP 5.6.40
PostgreSQL 9.5.16
Apache/2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux)
There are two virtual hosts set up on Apache, one for each installation, as myserver-ocs-hons and myserver-ojs-hons, where myserver is the “base” server name. This was done to enforce http to https address translation.
The tar archives were unzipped and installed, as the apache user, to data/OCS_Hons and data/OJS-Hons. File permissions were set per the distribution README files.
On browsing to the OCS home page, the OCS installation page appeared (although with an insecure connection warning from Firefox). The Recommended System Requirements and Pre-Installation Steps reported OK.
The first observed problem was that clicking the Install Open Conference Systems button did not start the installation. Instead, it returned to the installation page with the text boxes returned to their default values.
The installation was then started on the server side, using the $ php tools/install.php command. The installation appeared to run successfully, and the empty PostgreSQL database was populated with a large number of tables.
The second observed problem was that browsing to the OCS-Hons homepage showed only a blank page, apparently with repeated refreshes.
Following the troubleshooting instructions for blank pages from https://forum.pkp.sfu.ca/t/when-i-click-some-button-or-follow-some-link-im-left-with-a-blank-page-what-do-i-do/898
- No errors in the Apache error_log.
- File permissions appear to be OK.
- The PHP echo command only reached the initial “Importing” (as shown in the attached screencap)
Enabling display_errors in config.inc.php didn’t show anything; enabling deprecation warnings showed a large number of “Non-static method xxx::xxxxxxxx() should not be called statically” messages.
I haven’t tried the OJS installation (web page or command line) yet, as it seemed very likely that it would have the same problems as OCS.
Any clues what I might be doing wrong? It seems most likely that there’s a problem somewhere in my PHP or Apache configurations, but I’m not sufficiently expert with either of them to know where to start.
Many thanks in advance for any information or assistance.