December 29, 2017, 1:03am
There is a Exclamation point in front of url. The information talks about cookies. How can I fix these issues?
I think this is warning you that while the page is being accessed over HTTPS, some resources are being loaded over HTTP.
The message about cookies is unrelated.
See also:
What this means is that while the page itself is being delivered securely, some images or scripts are being referenced by http instead of by https.
For example, in your custom journal stylesheet, you might have an absolute reference like:
background-image: url(http://mysite.tld/ojs/public/some.png);
Or in your custom HEAD code, you might be referencing something via http:
<script src="http://cdn.resource.tld/common/script.js" />
Or, an image might be referenced with an absolute URL:
<img s…
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Thank you. This issue is solved after modifying related items in file : lib/pkp/locale/en_US/common.xml
You changed the <img src="" />
attributes in these lines, correct?
If so, I’ve created an issue and pull request to fix this in the next version of OCS.
opened 02:10PM - 03 Jan 18 UTC
closed 05:35PM - 03 Jan 18 UTC
In OCS, the Creative Commons license buttons are referenced in the locale files … by http, raising https errors on page display. Reported here:
Yes. All http links should be https