How to disable OCS captcha case-sensitive. I want to use only uppercase or lowercase with captcha. Users are having problem with mixing captcha letters.
Best Regards,
How to disable OCS captcha case-sensitive. I want to use only uppercase or lowercase with captcha. Users are having problem with mixing captcha letters.
Best Regards,
Hi @snmzclk,
This would take an adjustment to the CAPTCHA code, which is in lib/pkp/classes/captcha
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
I’ve tried. But it did not. I could not find the corresponding encoding.
Hi @snmzclk,
Can you describe where you got stuck?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
I have chekced CaptchaDAO.inc.php, Captcha.inc.php CaptchaManager.inc.php files under the lib/pkp/classes/captcha. I can’t find the which line of code affecting the lower or uppercase. Users having lower and uppercase problem when they register. I wan to change captcha letters only lower or uppercase.
Best Regards
Hi @snmzclk,
See lib/pkp/classes/captcha/CaptchaManager.inc.php
in the createCaptcha
This is what sets the password for the new Captcha
object. If you want to change the way this is generated, you’d replace Validation::generatePassword($length)
with your own function.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Alec,
I tried lots of options. But it did not work. Maybe in the new version google reCAPTHCA will be inject to OCS.
Thank you for your effort to help.
Best regards,